Shirodhara —>> A Unique – Effective Panchkarma Procedure
Today’s fast developing world made man mechanical and workaholic. And tha is responsible fragmentation of human personality at several levels. And so here at our clinic I find so many patients suffering from mental illness. As in such cases Ayurveda has much to offer to treat this highest ranking disorder nowadays. Here I just discuss […]
Ayurveda aspect of Herb- Fennel Seeds / Saunf / Variyali
In India, Fennel seeds is known as Saunf / Badi saunf / Variyali. It is widely used as a mouth freshener.People used to take it after meal. Its highly aromatic and flavorful herb. Well, Fennel seeds have great importance in Ayurveda also.Lets see it—> अग्निमद्यहरी रुद्य बद्ध विट् कृमि शक्रह्युत I रूक्ष उष्ण पाचनी कास […]
Psoriasis Care according to Ayurveda
Psoriasis is one of the leading diseases now a days. In simple words. patient become mad from this diseases.Actually itching, burning sensation, dry n cracked skin, joint swelling, scalp itching and sleepless nights is worst feeling in Psoriasis and other skin diseases. Modern science not able to understand its causes and actual pathogenesis, but Ayurveda […]
Psoriasis n Mental disorder
Mental disturbance,Anger,Grudge are the foremost cause of Psoriasis and Skin disorders.Keep ur mind relax n cool to get rid of such skin diseases.
Chaitra Month – Ancient Importance & Ayurvedic Health benefits
Lord Brhma created the universe on the first day of shukla paksha (first fortnight / first half of the month) in the month of Chaitra. He also gradually included planets, stars, ruthu (seasons) and rains for proper balance between born and finish. . चैत्रामसि जगद्ब्रह्म ससर्जु प्रथमेहानि I शुक्ल पक्ष समग्रन्थु तदा सूर्योदये सथि II […]