|| Shree Madhav Smaranam || || Ayurveda Multi Speciality Hospital & Panchkarma Treatment Center || || श्री माधव स्मरणम || || आयुर्वेद एवं पंचकर्म उपचार केंद्र ||
|| Shree Madhav Smaranam || || Ayurveda Multi Speciality Hospital & Panchkarma Treatment Center || || श्री माधव स्मरणम || || आयुर्वेद एवं पंचकर्म उपचार केंद्र ||

Ayurveda throws light on all aspects of life be it the daily routine of waking up in the Brahma Muhurta, personal hygiene, exercising, healthy food habits, or the herbs that have to be taken daily to boost our immunity.

Again, Ayurveda is like a finishing school that teaches us etiquette and manners, it instructs us to be kind to the poor and needy, and it imbibes into us the knowledge that even the tiniest of all creatures are created by God. In short, Ayurveda teaches us how to live.

The Tridosha theory in Ayurveda classifies all living beings into three main categories. The diagnosis and treatment of any ailment is based on this theory. All plants are medicinal. The properties and various uses of fruits, seeds, roots, leaves, meat, fish, and ayurvedically useful metals  are explained in detail. Interestingly, the whole herb, and not just its parts, is used for extraction and treatment. This accounts for the absence of side effects in Ayurveda medicines. The metals, too, are purified and used along with various herbs. so that there is no side-effects of them.

Panchkarma therapy is a unique healing and detoxifying method of Ayurveda science. This therapy eradicates the disease from its root cause and make the person healthy. More about Pachkarma therapy, you can read here in different posts…here is the link of it—>

Panchkarma Therapies

Ayurveda texts provide detailed guidelines for a condition and its treatment. An intelligent physician must be able to diagnose the condition from the signs and symptoms, mental changes, and living conditions of the patient and offer treatment based on these findings.

Dinacharya and Ritucharya – this two concepts are dealing with prevention of diseases.

They (Aacharya- Scholars of Ayurveda) explain the activities and the habits we must follow on a daily basis and on a seasonal basis. Along with the season changes, changes also occur in our bodies as well as our minds. The texts give in detail the measures we should follow at that particular time or season. It feels as though one lifespan is not enough to understand this awesome Science. Since this science is very old, we may think that this won’t suit our modern lifestyle. But, come to think of it, the body structure and the function of all the organs are still the same. So the importance of daily exercising and body cleansing, and suggestions of covering the mouth while sneezing, as well as laughing heartily are still applicable to each and everyone in the world.

If we nurture a positive mentality towards the things that we don’t know well, and decide to delve more into Ayurveda science, we can be certain of tremendous improvements in the field of health science.

Ayurveda is best health science which not only cure the disease but also gives the knowledge to preserve the good health. It do both, CURE AND CARE ….!

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