Anger is the major reason which makes things sour, A relationships as well as Health N body.
Analysis is the way of mind, hugging is the way o the heart.
The mind is the cause of all diseses, and the heart is the source of all healing.
These days we send more time with our cellphones, comp -mouse and ipads den the love one…
We are so much busy with our techi gadgets dat we forget dat we have heart and emotions…! And so now a days we search happiness on Google…!
Man needs to be needed.It is the one of the fundamental needs of the human being.Love is the greatest therapy, Hugging is only gesture of love., of warmth, of caring…!
The very feel of the warmth flowing from the other person melts many illness in you, melts ice like, cold ego…!
At least a hug for a day is enough top release the feel good hormone Oxytocin.
Hugging is necessary, so dat u can spend at least some moments with ur loved ones and so ur tension-worries will be decreased…
Along with such emotional attachment one should follow some simple rules of nature, As told in Ayurveda science…like Yoga, taking some cobination of herbs, Diet regulations and Ayurveda therapies…!!!
And if ur following this way…surely no any diseases will come near to you…!
Love everyone…Heal everyone…One Love…!!! ♥ ♥ ♥