Sharad Purnima: Elixir of Health.
on Sharad Purnima One should eat the dish of rice or pohe, boiled in milk which should be kept covered with a thin cotton cloth in open in the rays of the moon on the cool night of Sharad Purnima.Since it would be late night you should be careful not to eat much. You can consume it in the morning after heating. This dish ‘khir’ enriched by the rays of the moon for two and half to three hours pacifies pitta, is cool in effect and sattvic. Moreover it proves beneficial in pacifying the mind, and keeping the body healthy throughout the year. The mind attains peace through it and it cures the diseases caused by aggravated pitta.
On this night make sure that you look with fixed gaze at the moon for fifteen minutes. Blink your eyes for about 30-60 seconds. Take benefit of the moon rays for at least fifteen minutes; even more would not be harmful.
Thereafter spread out an asana made of any material which is a non-conductor of electricity, either on the roof or on the ground. You can even lie down while looking at the moon, if you wish. With each inhalation chant mentally the divine name and fill peace with the air. Repose in the Lord Narayana who is free of resolves. You will be greatly benefited by doing this.
Those who want to improve eye sight should try to thread a needle on the night of Sharad Purnima. Those who suffer from asthma should contact us for the medicine herbs.One can consume it with the khir as a treatment of asthma.
May these heavenly divine raya of Moon gives u all a healthy life ahead.
Enjoy Sharad purnima.