|| Shree Madhav Smaranam || || Ayurveda Multi Speciality Hospital & Panchkarma Treatment Center || || श्री माधव स्मरणम || || आयुर्वेद एवं पंचकर्म उपचार केंद्र ||
|| Shree Madhav Smaranam || || Ayurveda Multi Speciality Hospital & Panchkarma Treatment Center || || श्री माधव स्मरणम || || आयुर्वेद एवं पंचकर्म उपचार केंद्र ||

Ayurveda has some salient features that have made it different from other mode of treatments. Though basically all the branches of treatments have the same goal, to combat with the ailments and to offer the patient the best treatment possible in the form of medicines of their own systems every system of medicine has its own philosophy and approach. Ayurveda is no exception. There are certain aspects that have made it extremely different from other branches of medicines.

• According to Ayurveda there are three essential universal energies that have the power to regulate all the natural processes. Precisely, the power that rules the universe, to some extent acts in regulating the physical features of the human body. The three universal energies often known according to ancient scriptures the Three Dosas regulate the human physiology in an elegant manner.

• Though it is known from the ancient holy Hindu scriptures that Ayurveda was introduced by Lord Brahma for the benefit of mankind, Ayurveda believes in the absolute truth that The Protector of the Universe or the Great Soul (Param Atma) controls the human body too. His grace in the form of Ayurveda flows for the welfare of the human health. Thus the grace flowing from Nature (Prakriti) works in an elegant manner to help nurturing the human health. Hence man can be helped only with the grace of Nature. A breach in the harmony between Nature and man is sure to cause health imbalance.

• Ayurveda stresses on the system that if man tries to violate the systems of nature he is sure to be disgraced. Life is always vibrated with the force of energies that come from the Power that rules the Universe.

• Ayurveda believes that every man has its own individual system. In a word, every man is governed by some specific element Vayu (mental), Pitta (humorous) or Kapha (phlegmatic).

• Ayurveda stresses on the balance of the body and the mind. If mind-body relationship is hampered the health is at stake. Therefore, Ayurveda tries to heal both the physical and mental side of man when the time to treat the ailment comes in the forefront. In the Ayurvedic system there is the principle of the total treatment of the body and mind, not any partial one.

• According to Ayurveda there are certain therapies, diets, exercises for the ailments. The specific aim is to heal the disease from the root and to eradicate total disharmony of the mind-body relationship. Thus stress is not given on the disease but on the patient leading him to a vibrant healthy life.

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