What is Ayurveda?
As per ancient texts….Ayurveda is… ‘तद इदम् शाश्वतं पुण्यं स्वर्गयम् यश आयुष्यं वृत्ति करं च इति’- Its Eternal,Scared, gives Heaven, Reputation,Long life n Livelihood…! Ayurveda is science of Life, its holistic approch2healthcare, helps ppl live long, healthy n well balance life…!
Hug and Heal
Anger is the major reason which makes things sour, A relationships as well as Health N body. Analysis is the way of mind, hugging is the way o the heart. The mind is the cause of all diseses, and the heart is the source of all healing. These days we send more time with our […]
Ayurveda – Holy n Ancient way of Treatment of Body, Mind and Soul
Ayurveda, the treatment method that originated in India about 5000 years is now regaining its past glory through global acclamation. The word Ayurveda is a combination of two Sanskrit words– ayur (life) + veda (science) -and the word roughly translates into the science of life. Ayurveda principles are based on living in strict harmony with […]
Ayurveda is God Gift
इदम् आगमसिद्धत्वात्प्रत्यक्ष फ़ल्दर्शनात I मन्त्रवत्संप्रयोक्तव्यं न मिमान्स्यं कथंचन II ( वा. उ. ४०/८१) Famous Ayurveda Scholar Aacharya Vagbhatta said in his Ashtang hradyam Sanhita dat, Ayurveda is gifted by God to Mankind to stay healthy by all means on earth. With lots n lots of experiences and so many sccessful treatments, All scholars and Vaidyas […]
Ayurveda is biological link between mankind and nature.
Nature has a treasure of medicines to treat all kind of diseases. The science of Ayurveda has utilised dis treasures and put it into use for thousand of years. At our clinic we actively involved with Ayurveda with d sole objective to offer quality healthcare services to people. Ayurveda is biological link between mankind and […]
Modern & Hectic lifestyle brings lot of Pressure & irregularity to Health & Diet! Panchakarma (five actions) is a cleansing and rejuvenating program for the body, mind and consciousness. It is known for its beneficial effects on overall health, wellness and self-healing. Specialized Panchakarma Therapy: Vamana Vamana is therapeutic vomiting, which is a medicated emesis […]
Psoiasis in Ayurveda
Accumulation of toxins or ama in blood/skin, could also lead to Psoriasis disease condition. Excessive intake of yogurt, seafood, salty foods, black gram and sour food can cause an aggravation in the disease condition. Psoriasis may also develop due to excess mental stress. Ayurveda have answer of all types of skin diseases including Psoriasis. Here […]
Fact abt AIDS
HIV can never survive in any other liquid medium also other than blood or semen. ************ Even if one drinks an HIV infected blood (or semen) of someone (ingest through Gastro Intestinal track), the virus can not survive in the acidic pH of stomach. Highest extent of acidity is 0 (practically not possible) so imagine […]
Pregnancy n Ayurveda
“Garbh Sansakar” a very unique thing dat Ayurveda provides 2mankind. Its all abt to get a healthy child by all means. Treatment include b4 Pregnancy-During Pregnancy n Post pregnancy phases 2make pregnancy enjoyable n Keep baby n mother healthy physically as well as mentally.
Pain n Medicines
when pain crosses the limit it becomes medicine.