- Drink Plenty of fluids
- Do take adequate fibers in the diet.
- Exercise regularly. Walking is the one of the best thing.
- Train yourself for regular food intake of Lunch and dinner.
- Loose weight, if you are overweight
- chew your food properly
- take buttermilk , leafy vegetables, Isabgul, Mung dal, Fresh foods
- Always seek your doctor’s advise
- Dont ignore an urge for bowel movements
- Dont sit in the toilets for long periods. This position palcaes extra pressure on the anal area
- Dont drink Coffee or alcohol
- Avoid spicy-hot food, curry, Spices, Oil, excessive butter, Menda etc heavily digestible food
- Hurry, worry and curry is absolutely not advisable for Patient of anoraectal disorders
- Avoid late night parties, have a enough sleep
- Dont lift heavy objects. Even if you lift anything heavy exhale & dont hold ur breath
- Dont strain at stool.
- Dont use laxatives regularly as it may become a habit and cause of the bowels to lose its ability to function normally
- Avoid sitting for long periods as this can exert pressure in the anal area and aggravate the problems of piles/fissures. Even if your job requires continuous sitting, take a short break in between and walk around for sometime, this will ease the pressure in the anal area.
- Dont consume any medication directly, this can be harmful for ur tummy as well as diseases.
Always seek experts advise, Diagnosis of ur diseases should be done properly Bcoz there is so many diseases of Anoreactal which have same symptoms n signs,So dont consume any medication blindly.
Almost 95% of cases of Piles and Fissures are cured by Ayurveda medications. Only 5% cases needs surgery n operatives. At our “Madhav Smaranam” – Ayurveda Clinic, we treat such diseases with Ayurveda medication very successfully. Just you need proper Consultation, Ayurveda medication and proper diet restriction.