Ayurveda described thre physicall dosha on which our physical health build up.They are Vayu, Pitta and Kapha.
Likewise there is three mental Doshas called – Sattva, Raj and Tama. Healthy status of mind depends on these three mental Doshas.
As Ayurveda says, your health and status of mind will be same as your thoughts and actions. Positive action-thoughts good health and harmony. Negative approach and bad thoughts makes you ill mentally as well as physically. Raj and Tama creates negative and bad atmosphere in mind.
Sattva is the impulse to evolve progress and go forward in life. It brings clarity, harmony and health.
Spending time in nature, meditation, yoga, practicing non-judgment and cultivating compassion, avoiding over-stimulation and eating pure foods are all ways to amplify and increase sattva.
Examples of Sattvic foods include Basmati rice, oats, rice and wheat; raw milk and freshly made yogurt; honey and jaggery; ghee and olive oil; most fruits in moderation, most vegetables (except mushrooms, garlic and raw onions); almonds, pine nuts and walnuts all in moderation; aduki beans, mung beans and tofu; aloe gel, cardamom, cinnamon, coriander, fennel, ginger, turmeric, chamomile ashwagandha, astragalus, bhringaraj, calamus, comfrey, ginseng, gotu kola, jatamamsi, lotus, mint, rose, saffron, sage, shatavari, skullcap, triphala and mint. Avoid pungent spices.